MPG Consulting
MPG Consulting is committed to ensuring that organizations serving diverse populations are prepared to provide transformative culturally and racially attuned programmatic, clinical, and administrative services with justice and dignity. MPGC understands the constructs and intersections of race and racism with gender (including gender fluidity), LGBTQIA+, class, religious (including anti-Semitism and Islamophobia), intellectual, emotional, and physical bias and other systemic forms of oppression based on social identity. Our multiracial diverse team is composed of social workers, educators, psychologists, psychiatrists, business experts, researchers, social justice advocates, and community organizers. They have extensive experience doing training on issues of cultural and racial competence for mental health and human service staff.
MPGC works closely with and aligns with the principles of the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond, who, based in New Orleans, are recognized nationally and internationally for their Undoing Racism® & Community Organizing Workshops. To ensure that all our consultants are fully equipped with a complete understanding of working within an antiracist framework, each consultant is required to attend the Undoing Racism® workshop before working on any MPGC assignment.
MPG CONSULTING creates and facilitates customized culturally and racially sensitive programming, training, workshops, coaching and supervision for those who work with diverse urban populations. For more information, contact Mary at 212-245-2510 or [email protected]
- Career Coaching
- Executive Coaching
- Team Building
- Organizational Consulting
- Individual Consultations
MPG Consulting
MPG Consulting has a special commitment to ensuring that agencies serving populations of color are prepared to provide clients with transformative culturally and racially attuned clinical, programmatic, and administrative services.
Our vision is to support agencies serving populations of color prepare to provide clients with transformative culturally and racially attuned clinical, programmatic, and administrative services while doing so with dignity and justice.
Our mission is to provide consulting services that exemplify the high-quality services we so vigorously seek to support in organizations committed to aligning themselves with antiracist policies that eliminate barriers to success in the workplace.
MPG Consulting’s undertaking of Institutional Antiracist Consulting is an immediate response to our understanding of the urgency to respond to institutions that courageously stepped forward to create antiracist organizations where dignity and humanity are at the forefront. Our current political, racial and economic environment has further highlighted the need for building strong alliances with colleagues, institutions and communities to help develop language, policies and procedures that propel us into an awakened state where internal biases and historically imbedded institutional prejudices are no longer concealed and are dismantled.
Our services combine didactic and experiential methods to focus on the meaning of cultural and racial identification; the experience of staff and clients related to their cultural, racial, gender identity, their sexual orientation, and immigrant status; and guidelines for addressing race and culture within the organization.
MPG Consulting is licensed by the NY State Licensing Board to provide continuing education credits to licensed social workers (LMSW & LCSW), Creative Arts Therapists (LCAT), Mental Health Counselors (LMHC), Family and Marriage Therapists (LMFT) and Psychoanalysts. We bring the CE courses to the organization offering the unique opportunity for staff to be educated together.
Accountability Statement
Mary Pender Greene, cofounder of the Antiracist Alliance founded MPG Consulting upon philosophies of anti-racist community organizing. MPG Consulting works closely with and aligns with the principles of the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond, who, based in New Orleans, are recognized nationally and internationally for their Undoing Racism® & Community Organizing Workshop. To ensure that all our consultants are fully equipped with a complete understanding of working within an antiracist framework, each consultant is required to attend their workshop.
MPG Consulting produces results that are in alignment with organizational goals while addressing the developmental needs of the individual. Our racially and culturally attuned services include confidential and supportive feedback that brings fresh insight and motivates leaders to develop new positive behaviors.
We assist management acquire skills that allow for effective development and communication of diversity and inclusion mission statements and implementation plans. We help leaders learn how to support open dialogue with staff and communicate clearly and efficiently within every level of the organization.
MPG Consulting provides customized time limited or ongoing consulting on the following and much more:
- Evaluating the organization to identify policies and procedures that impede success in the work place
- Developing a sustainable plan to implement antiracist policies
- Developing specific procedures to develop leadership from within, recruit, promote and retain a diverse workforce
- Formulating a diversity and inclusion accountability plan
- Improving staff morale and increase productivity
- Increasing staff by-in and building team cohesion

We're MPG Consulting
MPG Consulting (MPGC) is a consultant group committed to eliminating bias and structural racism in the works pace. We support organizations and leaders in their pursuit of creating an inclusive, fair, and respectful work culture with the goal of removing barriers to success in the workplace.
Cross-Racial Teams
Our team comprises social workers , educators, psychologists, psychiatrists, business experts, researchers, social justice advocates , and community organizers with extensive experience providing training on cultural and racial competence for mental health and human service staff.
Cultural Competence
Our work is informed by an understanding of t he impact, constructs , and intersect ions of race and racism with gender (including gender fluidity), LGBTQIA+, class, religious (including anti Semitism and lslamophobia), intellectual, emotional, and physical bias, as well as other systemic forms of oppression based on social identity.
Customized Offerings
MPGC creates and facilitates customized culturally and racially sensitive:
- Career & Executive Coaching
- Team Building
- Programming
- Training
- Individual & Organizational Consultation
MPGC is certified as a CE Provider by the NYSED for LCSWs, LMSWs , LCATs, LMHCs, LMFTs, Psychoanalysts.
MPGC is certified in New York City and New York State as an M/ WBE.