
Undoing Racism® Resources

Our work is guided by the principles of The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond, who are recognized internationally for their Undoing Racism® Workshop and Community Organizing Workshop. Contact:

We are sharing our Google Drive with you. In it you will find numerous Anti-Racism resources we have compiled over the years. Please click the link below to view.

Undoing Racism® Resources → Click here

These are some of the categories you will find in our folder:

For more extensive resources visit:

MPG Consulting

Building Capacity Across the Racial Divide

Books Available for Purchase

Culturally Sensitive Supervision and Training: Diverse Perspectives and Practical Applications

By Dr. Kenneth V. Hardy (Editor)

This book is focused on culturally competent supervision and training in a variety of settings. The text is intended for use in supervision courses, but trainers and supervisors will also find it essential to their work.

White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism

By Dr. Robin DiAngelo
This NY Times best-selling book examines how white fragility develops, how it protects racial inequality, and what we can do to engage more constructively.

Deep Denial: The Persistence of White Supremacy in United States History and Life

By David Billings
This book explores the normalizing of racial superiority in a society that permits white people to be individuals while people of color are collectively held as outsiders. Each chapter begins with an intimate and personal account from the author’s own life. He then lays out the historical facts, while preserving the master storyteller’s connection with the reader.

Buy on Amazon and CDD: or (special bulk rate)

Strategies for Deconstructing Racism in the Health and Human Services

By Alma Carten (Editor), Alan Siskind (Editor), Mary Pender Greene (Editor)

This book brings together a national roster of leading practitioners who draw upon extensive practice experiences and original research. It is as an invaluable resource for service providers and educational institutions.

Creative Mentorship and Career-Building Strategies: How to Build Your Virtual Personal Board of Directors

By Mary Pender Greene, LCSW-R, CGP

This book features engaging exercises and worksheets as well as practical methods and strategies that will transform the way you approach career development. A toolbox of tactics, strategies, and rules of engagement will ensure that you fully assimilate the VPBOD networking strategy and revolutionary mentoring methodology into every aspect of your professional life.