Anti-racist change work requires both WILL and SKILL.
The work is Eternal. It’s never done. Let us support you on your JOURNEY!
Culturally and Racially Attuned
Mary Pender Greene is the President & CEO of MPG Consulting. MPGC is committed to ensuring that organizations serving populations of color are prepared to provide transformative culturally and racially attuned clinical, programmatic and administrative services. MPGC works closely with and aligns with the principles of the People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond, who, based in New Orleans, are recognized nationally and internationally for their Undoing Racism® & Community Organizing Workshop. To ensure that all our consultants are fully equipped with a complete understanding of working within an antiracist framework, each consultant is required to attend the Undoing Racism® workshop before working on any MPGC assignment. The MPG Consulting Team is composed of social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, researchers, social justice advocates, substance abuse experts, community organizers, and law enforcement officers.
Our highly skilled professionals are familiar with the manifestations of depression, trauma, structural racism, and the public health approach to racial tension in urban poor communities of color. We have extensive experience training on cultural/racial competence issues for mental health and human service staff.
Workshops and supervision will address the impact of structural racism as well as racial/cultural/gender identity and sexual orientation on the relationship between worker and client. The trainings, workshops, and supervision are organized for professionals at various stages of their careers and with varying understanding and experience working with diverse racial, cultural and ethnic groups.
MPG Consulting provides customized time-limited or ongoing consulting on these topics and much more:
- Evaluating the organization to identify policies/procedures that impede success in the work place.
- Creating a sustainable plan to implement antiracist policies.
- Developing specific procedures to develop leadership from within, recruit, promote and retaina diverse workforce.
- Formulating a diversity and inclusion accountability plan.
- Improving staff morale and increase productivity.
- Improving staff morale and increase productivity.
- Increasing staff by-in and building team cohesion.
Non-Profit Business, Management & Leadership Services
MPG Consulting (MPGC) is offering non-profit Business Solutions to align with our antiracist services. The MPGC Business Team are trainers, coaches and consultants with expertise in Non-Profit Executive and Leadership Development with an Anti-Oppressive Lens. Our team has extensive experience in antiracist and transformational work.
We Bring Business Solutions and Services to You
- Executive Coaching
- Leadership Development
- Financial Planning & Budgeting
- Strategic Planning & Business Analysis
- Multiracial/Multicultural Team Development
- Executive & Mid-Management Team Building
- Human Resources – Policies, Procedures & Practices
- De-Biasing Hiring Processes & Hiring Best Practice Recommendations
- Recruitment/Retention of Culturally, Racially & Linguistically Competent Staff
- Anti-Oppressive Evaluations, Promotions and Retention Planning & Outcomes
- IT and Database Development & Management
- Diverse Board Development & Governance
- Marketing, Social Media & Public Relations
- Organizational Assessment
- Corporate Compliance
- Grant Writing
- Retreats