
Supervision in Child Welfare


Social work management

Name and Qualifications of the Presenter:

Amira R. Crawford, LCSW-R, is a program director and private practitioner in Brooklyn, NYC. Amira directs a child welfare program and began working in the field of child welfare in 2002, and in child welfare management since 2008. Amira works with adults in private psychotherapy practice, primarily with both men and women with a focus on issues of anxiety, depression, and the impact of race and racism. Amira also provides Clinical Supervision for adults in the field of Social Work, and is an agency based trainer for the LMSW examination in NYS. Amira has been trained in Advanced Family Therapy, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Amira has also co-developed and taught a professional course on issues of race and diversity and parenting.

Description of Course:

Session amounts may vary based on the individual needs of the organization.

For individuals, please contact us for more information.

The course will help staff members focus on the experiences, roles, and beliefs they bring to their work in child welfare. This involves exercises in self-reflection and introspection. Issues of identification, sameness and difference will be examined and compared with the client population; the impact of these identifications on the practice of direct front line staff, and in the supervision of front line staff will also be examined. This section of the course will also examine the history of child welfare practice and its impact on current norms and policy’s.

This course will also teach supervisors how to strengthen and buffer direct service staff in consistently challenging child welfare work. Increase and integrate self-care strategies into individual direct supervision and group supervision practices. Help prevent burn out and worker fatigue through early warning sign recognition and responsive supervisory practice. Create an environment of teamwork and support, and integrate professional development into supervision, team and practice.

Teaching Methods:

The course will be taught both through didactic and experiential modalities. The course is for adult professional social work staff. There will be a power point presentation and both written and verbal exercises. Small group activities and sharing will also be part of the course as well as reading assignments and handouts.

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will understand the concepts of racial and cultural identity as they apply in child welfare in direct practice.
  • Participants will understand the concepts of racial and cultural identity as they apply in child welfare supervisory practice.
  • Participants will understand child welfare history in the US and its impact on current policy and practice.
  • Participants will learn to cultivate a supportive environment that allows for authentic sharing.
  • Participants will develop a skill set for identifying early signs of direct care staff burnout.
  • Participants will enhance their skill set for teaching and utilizing self care strategies in direct supervision, group supervision, and integrating self care into team development.